Bitnami Subversion Quick Start ========================== 1. Default Sample Repository 2. Subversion basic commands 3. Subversion basic configuration 4. More info ## 1 - Default Sample Repository This is the of the default Subversion repository created along with Bitnami Subversion Stack. The repository is located at `/opt/bitnami` and it has a first commit with this file by default. Due to the incremental nature of Subversion repositories, you won't be able to see/modify the files of the repository from that folder directly. Its content is served by Apache at `http://your_ip/subversion` Apache server will be listening by default at port 80 in Unix-like systems and 8080 in Windows. ## 2 - Subversion Basic Commands In the command line of your server you can use the following commands to perform actions with Subversion repositories. #### Create an empty repository svnadmin create repo_folder #### Checkout a repository svn checkout URL #### Add a file to a repository svn add file #### Commit changes to a repository svn commit -m "Message to commit" file ## 3 - How to enable commits over HTTP(s) For security reasons, the default configuration does not allow users to commit changes to the repositories over HTTP or HTTPS. To permit this, change the permissions of your repository directory so that the Apache user is able to write to it. You can find more info to configure it at [Bitnami Subversion Documentation Page]( ## 4 - More info You can find more info in the [Bitnami Subversion Documentation Page]( or in the [official Subversion documentation]( NOTE: If you are using a native installer you should replace the '/opt/bitnami' with your installation directory.